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sexta-feira, agosto 05, 2005

A catástrofe que continua

Podia ter sido um pôr do sol bonito se não fosse o cinzento avermelhado de fogos bem perto daqui.
O cheiro...esse era intoxicante!
Mas lá para o Sul, tudo tem sido bem PIOR!
Para quando o fim do que tem vindo a fazer o fim ecológico (e não só!!) do nosso País assim como o fim das posses de muitas pessoas que vêem reduzidos a cinza anos da sua vida e se deixam arder com eles??
This sunset could have been a lovely one but the sky was reddish gray due to the many fires not that far from here.
The smell was intoxicating.
But farther South it's been really MUCH WORSE than here!
It's an ecological (and not only) catastrophe for this country as weel as for the people who see all their belongings and years of life getting burnt and who let themselves burnwith them!
When will this all end???

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The lunatic, the lover, and the poet

Are of imagination all compact

A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Act v. Sc. 1.

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