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quarta-feira, novembro 10, 2004

Tão cedo porque logo chego bem tarde....

Bom Dia apesar de ele ser pequenito...
Agora, desde que começou a arrefecer à noite e a haver manhãs frias que já pedem o aconchego de um casaco mais quente a quem sai cedo de casa, as vidraças das janelas apresentam este aspecto fazendo, assim sobressair o aconchego do que se deixa por um desconforto que se vai encontrar quando se puser o nariz de fora!
Good Morning! (In spite of being this early!)
Now that it gets much colder in the evening and the mornings are also chilly requiring the warmth of a more comfortable coat or woolie from those who have to head off to work early, the window panes get like this, showing that what we leave - our cozy home - will be unreplaceable and as soon as we step out of the entrance door the outside will be some harsh reality we will have to confront ourselves with.Posted by Hello

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The lunatic, the lover, and the poet

Are of imagination all compact

A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Act v. Sc. 1.

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