Quotidiano de "Pombo Tripeiro"
Penduram-se em tudo, não temem os transeuntes nem o tráfego.
Passeiam-se, namoram, arrulham, banham-se, dessedentam-se, comem,dormem,
espreguiçam-se e fazem as suas necessidades por esta cidade fora sem se importarem com os olhares curiosos e -até invejosos- de quem as observa...
É assim a vida do pombo citadino tripeiro!
They are there in hundreds!
They are everywhere and don't fear pedestrains or cars.
They stroll and flirt, they have their bath, they eat and drink, they sleep and stretch out and they do what they have to do all through this city not even caring about those curious eyes -or maybe jealous too - observing them.
It's this the sort of life of the urban pigeon "Tripeiro" (this is the name the people from here are known by. )