Regresso - Algumas considerações
Caras novas, caras já conhecidas, a excitação de quem vem, em reencontros e surpresas.
Pesa sobre quem ensina a incerteza do que está dito e imposto na ignorância do que é .
É que na ignorância se impõe o que não se sabe.
E quem tem para fazer não sabe o que há para fazer.
É esta a situação singular com que se depara quem gosta do que faz, de quem mesmo passando os anos regressa com planos para tentar fazer melhor.
Para se mandar, é preciso saber fazer.
Para se ser respeitado, é preciso respeitar.
Para se ter quem siga exemplos, é preciso dar o exemplo.
Não é isso que acontece neste barco chamado País que ainda não encontrou um rumo certo com destino ao verdadeiro progresso.
Everything gets back!
New faces, faces already known, the excitement of all those who meet old friends and are eager to get to know the unknown.
The uncertainty of what has been said and imposed on those who will be teaching is a stressing reality.
Those who impose aren't exactly aware of what they are imposing.
Those who have to perforn the imposed task don't exactly know what sort of task they have to perform.
It is this the singular situation those who enjoy doing what they are doing ( who still have plans to do even better than what they've been doing for so many years) have to face.
You must know how to do things if you are in command.
You must respect if you want to be respected.
You must give the example, if you want to be followed.
This is not what is happening in this ship called Country which hasn't found the right route towards what real progress really is.
Everything gets back!
New faces, faces already known, the excitement of all those who meet old friends and are eager to get to know the unknown.
The uncertainty of what has been said and imposed on those who will be teaching is a stressing reality.
Those who impose aren't exactly aware of what they are imposing.
Those who have to perforn the imposed task don't exactly know what sort of task they have to perform.
It is this the singular situation those who enjoy doing what they are doing ( who still have plans to do even better than what they've been doing for so many years) have to face.
You must know how to do things if you are in command.
You must respect if you want to be respected.
You must give the example, if you want to be followed.
This is not what is happening in this ship called Country which hasn't found the right route towards what real progress really is.