(quando estou ao computador, tenho sempre o rádio ligado!)
e assistido na televisão (na pouca televisão que vejo!),
venho aqui demonstrar os meus conhecimentos de gramática,
conjugando o presente do indicativo do verbo "falar":
eu falo
tu falas
ele, ela blablabla
nós falamos
vós blablabla
eles blablabla
This post comes as a result of the political debates for the local elections I've lately been listening to on the radio
(when I'm working on the computor I always have the radio on!)
and watching on the telly
( in the rare momemts I watch televison these days!).
I felt motivated to show my grammar knowledge by posting here the simple present of the verb "to speak":
I speak
you speak
he,she blablabla
we speak
you blablabla
they blablabla