Ele foi conduzido ao CRE (Centro de Recursos Educativos) e, uma vez aí, foi-lhe atribuída uma tarefa que teria de executar até que o tempo da actividade lectiva donde fora "convidado a sair" chegasse ao fim
Em revolta rebelde, pega numa folha, faz uma bola e tenta encestar. Repete a tentativa. As duas falham. Senta- se, inquieto, em rebeldia de atitudes e resmunga sozinho. Arranja maneira de continuar a irritar quem se deixa irritar pelo tique - taque enervante da esferográfica. Levanta-se. Fala com este e aquele.
A empregada do sector ralha.
Ela, que estava ali para tentar fazer alguma coisa de útil na pomposamente apelidada de CNL (Componente Não lectiva), diz: "Ó menino! Onde pensas que estás?? Será que aqui é o campo de jogos e o CRE é lá fora??"
Ele continua a tarefa fácil de "irritar parceiro". Resolve desenhar a cara dela. Mas depressa se cansa. A indiferença dela irrita-o!
Então, num repente, levanta-se e procura outro alvo: os computadores. Pouca sorte. Os lugares estão todos preenchidos e a empregada vem de novo atrás dele, forçando-o a regressar à tarefa que não fará nunca.
De novo, voando pela sala, aterra num Asterix.
De ar intelectual, com o livro debaixo do braço, regressa ao seu lugar. Desta vez voluntariamente.
Ele lê.
O toque da campainha para fim da aula chega. Demora a perceber que é o toque da ansiada libertação.
Levanta-se. Entrega o livro.
E sai.
He is taken to the library and, once there he is given a task he has to get busy with till the end of the class he was "invited to leave"
Showing off in his rebellion he grabs a sheet of paper, makes a ball with it and tries to throw it into the paper basket nearby. He tries a second time. He fails the two attempts.Then he sits down, with further rebellious attitudes, mumbling to himself. He gets another way to pick on the nerves of those who easily get irrtitated: now it's the ball-pen in an endless tic tac. He stands up. He talks with this and that.
The library employee tells him off.
She, who was there to try to do something worthwhile in her time off classes says: "Lad! Where do you think you are? Is it that you have the
game pitch here and the library is outdoors??"
He goes on with the easy task of irritating anybody else. I makes up his mind about drawing her face. But he gets fed up with that quickly.
Her indifference gets him!
All of a sudden he stands up and searches for another target: the computers.Bad luck. All the places are taken and there he has the employess again after him, making him back to what he is suppoesed to be doing but that he will never ever do.
Again, flying through the room, he lands on an Asterix book.
Looking very intelectual, with the book under his arm, he gets back to his place. This time with nobody forcing him to.
He is reading.
The bell is ringing. The class is over. He needs some time to understand it means his so much expected freedom.
He stands up. He hands in the book.
And he leaves.