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quinta-feira, novembro 11, 2004

Bom S.Martinho!!

O "homem das castanhas" faz parte do imaginário de muitos aqui pela minha cidade.
No "meu tempo" apregoava "Quentes e Boas"!
Agora resume-se a estar num esquina da rua principal da zona pedonal à espera de quem lhe dê atenção e se resolva a comnprar umas tantas castanhas que todos acham estarem por um preço inacessível!
O "homem das castanhas" do meu imaginário não era assim "motorizado" mas fico feliz por ter ainda ter podido captar este momento de um "homem das castanhas" mais bem equipado mas que perdeu um pouco do romantismo do antigo.
Here we celebrate St. Martin's Day with roasted chestnuts and good wine, new wine in many places in the countryside.
It's not a holiday but people celebrate it anyway.
Some years ago we used to hear the "chestnut man" publicising his product, shouting "Quentes e Boas!" (Hot and Good [chestnuts]) and this was part of the typical daily life of our city centre.
Nowadays these people who sell chestnuts are still to be seen but they just stand there with all their equipment in the pedestrian zones waiting for someone to come to them and buy their chestnuts whose price has incredibly gone up.
The "chestnut man" I keep in my memories is not so techologically advanced as the ones nowadays. However I'm glad I could still snap a better equipped "chestnut man" who unfortunately lost much of the mysticism of the older one.
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