Precisei destes sorrisos hoje!
Há dias em que realmente apetece apertar o pescoço a certas pessoas que se julgam o centro do Mundo e não vêem que há sua volta há gente muito superior àquilo que elas clamam ser. Carências, complexo de inferioridade ou necessidade de chamar a atenção para si mesmas?
Não importa! Que irritam, irritam!!
I was really in need of these smiles today!
There are those days when you feel like twisting somebody's neck! Of those people who really think they have the world at their feet and don't even realize there are others not that far away who are worth much more than them. Inferiority complex? Need to attract people's attention to them? Support need?
It doesn't really matter!! These people can really get on anyone's nerves!!