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terça-feira, dezembro 28, 2004

O dia de hoje causou isto...

Sobre o Poema

Um poema cresce inseguramente
na confusão da carne,
sobe ainda sem palavras, só ferocidade e gosto,
talvez como sangue
ou sombra de sangue pelos canais do ser.

Fora existe o mundo. Fora, a esplêndida violência
ou os bagos de uva de onde nascem
as raízes minúsculas do sol.
Fora, os corpos genuínos e inalteráveis
do nosso amor,
os rios, a grande paz exterior das coisas,
as folhas dormindo o silêncio,
as sementes à beira do vento,
— a hora teatral da posse.
E o poema cresce tomando tudo em seu regaço.

E já nenhum poder destrói o poema.
Insustentável, único,
invade as órbitas, a face amorfa das paredes,
a miséria dos minutos,
a força sustida das coisas,
a redonda e livre harmonia do mundo.

— Embaixo o instrumento perplexo ignora
a espinha do mistério.

— E o poema faz-se contra o tempo e a carne.

Herberto Helder


I won't obviously dare translate Herberto Helder, who is one of our worldwide best-known contemporary poets.

I will only say the above poem is "About the Poem" and it says something about the way the Poem is born, develops and is attained.

The final idea expressed in the last verse is that "the poem is achieved against time and flesh" and this goes against what is expressed in the very beginning where the poet explains that "the poem grows in a shy insecure way amidst the confusion of flesh, with no words, being all ferocity and pleasure, similar to blood or of the kind flowing through the living being's canals".

I wonder whether this explanation makes some sense to those English speakers who come here for a peep at what has been publish here. The idea is that you go and look up some reference about this Portuguese poet you might find as interesting as I did! Posted by Hello

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The lunatic, the lover, and the poet

Are of imagination all compact

A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Act v. Sc. 1.

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