Amor perfeito
Amor perfeito
de flor
de perfeito amor.
Flor perfeita
de amor perfeito.
Perfeito amor
de perfeita flor.
Amor de flor.
Flor de amor.
Amo a flor.
Amo o Amor.
Perfeito sem flor.
Amor Perfeito.
Amor Amor.
(o que eu publiquei aqui é assumidamente uma porcaria que não apago por já ter sido lido!!)
What I wrote above has again no sense in English...
There are puns with the words love and perfect as a pansy is called "perfect love" in Portuguese.
I got hold of these two words and added the word "flower" to them, used alliterations and associated "perfect" with "love" and "flower". I tried to give all this some sense and ended by associating the word "love" with itself.
I just concluded that I love this flower, I love perfect love and I love love.
(I won't delete what I posted here because it's already been seen and read. I am really aware the text is real crap!!)