Notícias, notícias e mais notícias...
afivelando os ouvidos para os blocos de notícias das estações de rádio que nos fustigam com "caixas" de sensação de meia em meia hora,
vendo os telejornais que nos entram casa adrento
sei de
catástrofes, epidemias, pandemias, lutas, desditas, mortes,
infelicidade, miséria, inveja, ciúme,
corrupção, vilania, cobardia, traição,
Tudo tão negativo nestes média que consumimos
(e que nos consomem)
em masoquismo latente, em sofreguidão de saborear desgraça alheia
com que todos sem excepção pactuamos passivamente no nosso dia-a-dia.
Glancing at the newspapers,
listening to the news blocks the different radio stations bombard us with every half an hour,
watching the tv news which get into our homes,
I know of
catastrophes, epidemics, pandemics, fights, deaths,
misfortune, misery, envy, jealousy, corruption,
vilany,cowardice, betrayal.
Everything so negative in these media we consume (and which consume us) in latent masochism, in eagerness of others' disgrace and which we all with no exception passively allow in our daily life.
listening to the news blocks the different radio stations bombard us with every half an hour,
watching the tv news which get into our homes,
I know of
catastrophes, epidemics, pandemics, fights, deaths,
misfortune, misery, envy, jealousy, corruption,
vilany,cowardice, betrayal.
Everything so negative in these media we consume (and which consume us) in latent masochism, in eagerness of others' disgrace and which we all with no exception passively allow in our daily life.