Concretizando planos de férias: concretização nº 3
Hoje o Douro convidava a passeata de barco. Esteve fresco e um pouco enevoado mas logo, logo o sol abriu e fez diamantes na água de ouro.
Andei de barco. Vi pontes, de cá para lá, de lá para cá.
Almocei na Ribeira.
Andei a pé uma grande distância (sem muito esforço para meu espanto!).
Vi fachadas bonitas, coisas que já de tão vistas nunca vira assim.
Revi o Palácio de Cristal e do Palácio de Cristal vi o que nunca tinha visto assim.
O dia esteve lindo, com uma luminosidade fantástica.
Gostei de me ter tentado cansar sem o conseguir.
Partilho convosco o meu dia nestas fotos que se seguem
Today there was time for a boat ride. I saw all the bridges over the Douro river, which flows into the Atlantic in the nearabouts. I had lunch in Ribeira. Then I walked a long way, observing nice fassades, and city hidden corners I already knew but had never paid much attention to. I revisited the Crystal Palace (there was one a long time ago but now there's the so- called "Mushroom" that is a sports hall or anything else we want it to be as it is a convertible modern building). The day was gorgeous! There was a fantastic light to make some photos. I masochistically enjoyed getting tired without even managing to be! And this was what today was like and I wanted to share it with you.